• A Trip To NC & Camper Projects

    We moved from the Oregon coast to Washington and our daily conversations changed from tide tables to “whether or not the mountain was out”. The mountain under discussion, Mount Rainier, happened to be out the day we arrived and it was just breathtaking. Similar to the feeling we had the first time we saw the Grand Canyon or Zion Canyon, which was honestly unexpected. We left our camper at Rainier View RV Park while we flew home to visit our family in May/June. Packing and preparing the camper to be left for a month ended up being a bigger job than we expected. We checked the roof for potential leaks,…

  • North Carolina – June 2021

    After our first successful RV trip exploring the southwest, we plopped ourselves down in my parent’s driveway for the month of June, enjoying lots of great family time. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Western NC, where both our parents live and where we both grew up, will always feel like home. We think that being able to come back and stay with them will ground us, balancing out our travels and wanderlust. Besides hanging out with our siblings who came to visit on weekends, the first two weeks were mostly all work and no play. The major project was trying to organize our garage (the bed of the truck). We had…

  • Two False Starts

    Maybe the blog should be renamed Mary and Michael MISadventures?!? We officially moved into our motorhome on March 1st, 2020. The same week that the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic arrived in NC and became a lot more real (to us). Our original plans were to be with family in Western NC for a couple of weeks before heading to Charlottesville, VA to celebrate our friend’s Ph.D. defense along with other friends that were going to visit from California. Michael’s parents were also going to visit for a weekend of Shenandoah hiking. We would then head to the Outer Banks where I would be volunteering at Cape Hatteras Natl Seashore until mid-July. But…

  • The Backstory

    How did we get here, living and traveling full time in a 250sqft house on wheels?! We’ve always loved to travel. We realized early on that we were happiest when we were out experiencing the world around us, particularly nature, so we made that a priority. The main problem was that there never seemed to be enough time. After using 2 weeks of vacation time on an international trip almost every year there was no time left for exploring our own US of A.